Sách Toeic Smart Yellow Book Grammar (Kèm CD)

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Công ty phát hành: Cty Nhân Trí Việt

Nhà xuất bản: NXB Tổng Hợp TP.HCM

Loại bìa: Bìa Mềm

Số trang: 103

Năm xuất bản: 08-2012

Toeic Smart Yellow Book Grammar (Kèm CD) This book is designed to provide beginning learners of English with some basic grammar points which are necessary for part IV of the TOEIC Bridge Reading test. This book also consists of grammar excercises, grammar tests and sentence building so that learners can practice some certain grammarpoints they have just learned. Contents: Lesson 1: The verb Be Lesson 2: Ordinary Verbs Lesson 3: Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives Lesson 4: Demonstrative Pronouns & Indefinite Lesson 5: Past simple tense Lesson 6: Future tenses Lesson 7: Progressive tenses Lesson 8: Present perfect tense Achievement test Answer key

Sach Toeic Smart Yellow Book Grammar (Kem CD)

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